Friday, October 7, 2011


So I figure I should say that, since I will be moving out and into a place where I won't have internet, you probably can expect fewer blog posts. Not that I was writing a stellar amount anyway :). But I figured I would share that. I will be having home internet access only when I come over here (to my grandmother's), which I will do on Fridays to wash clothes and do bank stuff. Other than that, it's not a bill I'm willing to pay at this point :). So yep, today I start moving some things. And tonight will feel a bit like Christmas as I open up my boxes and ooh and aah over all the things I forgot I had ;). So exciting!


Katherine Ronachert said...

well, that is sort of sad. but happy for you!!! :) you will have to post pictures of your new place though! :)

Kira =] said...

I'm so happy that thinks are going so well for you!!

jessica said...


Kristy said...

The answer to the movie quote is P.S. I Love you, at least I think it is??