But first allow me to re-cap briefly.
I thoroughly enjoyed spending a week and a half at Lea's house. Man oh man did I ever. It was so relaxing, so peaceful. While I enjoyed the solitude, I made my first ever batch of zucchini bread (with Saria's help... she stayed with me Saturday night to Sunday) and it turned out great! I also tried a new crock pot recipe from that lady who made something in her crock pot every day of 2008 (I have the link on my blog on the right-hand side). That was dinner for Jeremy's birthday and it was Chicken Adobo. I was somewhat disappointed. It was okay, but not as good as I had anticipated based on all the reviews. But you never know until you try :). And yeah, overall, mostly my week was the sameold sameold. I worked. I walked with Sue. I spent time with Jeremy :). I grew, I learned, I struggled, I overcame... Yep, just a week in the life ;). Because that's what it's all about :).
And so now I will get back to what I was going to originally tell you anyway. All about Jeremy's birthday. That young whipper-snapper. He hasn't quite hit 30 yet... ;). So I gave Jeremy a couple of food items he has mentioned liking and then did a photo album thing (you know how I love pictures ;)). This is where he's looking at the photo album (isn't he just so cute?...Okay, maybe I shouldn't gush over him on the blog... ;). But seriously, though... Look at that smile!). Oh, and the gag gift was up... He knew it wasn't from me.
So yep, that was his birthday celebration. Just nice and relaxing. I told him we could go out to eat and I'd tell the server it was his birthday so they'd embarrass him by having all the employees sing to him. You know how I think that is so funny (yeah right). Jeremy didn't think that sounded any more thrilling than I think it would be. So we opted for Chicken Adobo.
I finished up chillin' at Lea's on Wednesday. But tomorrow and Saturday nights I will house-sit for Bob and Melanie. And then I'll do that again starting next Friday (before Labor Day) and going through the following weekend. And then I will house-sit for someone Melanie works with who has 2 cats. At least that's the plan. So I won't be at "my house" for very much of the month of September. And I'm really quite okay with that. And tomorrow I will go with Lea to Seattle to watch Xavier's girlfriend do a dance performance. And Saturday, Jeremy and I will be going blackberry picking. Yep, it's that time again :). And no, my ridiculous tomatoes still haven't ripened. How annoying. And my garden is looking quite neglected. Mostly weedy. It definitely has a lot of goodies out there. And most of them are ready to go. I even have 2 acorn squash I can pick any day now :). I'm just waiting on those darn tomatoes!
In other news... I do believe I'm closing in on my 3-year anniversary of living in Washington State. What a strange trip it's been... Life is funny that way... Looking back, it's amazing to see how far I've come. Life really is a journey. So full of surprises (both the pleasant kind and the not-so-pleasant kind). Oh, but so wonderful :). All of it. I'm so glad I listened to the promptings of the Spirit that led me here. No, not everything is perfect. There are definitely some less-than-stellar circumstances. But I know it's where I belong. And so I'm thankful that, when I was willing to doubt and give up, my Heavenly Father helped me to stay where I needed to be. And I'm thankful that, even when I did want to doubt and give up, my true self retained hope and faith :). And so, here I am. Living the moments of the Nilla Life. Some ups, some downs, some laughter, some tears, some hopes, some fears... And love. Lots and lots of love :).
P.S... Now that my dad knows, I can share a little secret: there's an Alabama trip in my not-so-distant future. Nothing set-in-stone as of yet. But it'll be coming :). And you will find me definitely hitting up 2 places: O'Charleys (for that fantabulous potato soup) and Italian Express. Yep, you know it! I'm starting to drool already.