Oh my precious Corbin,
The fact that I am writing this about 3 weeks after you turned 5 months old proves to me what I've been told: things fall to the wayside with the second baby. Oh sweet boy, it's not because you aren't so important. It's just because my time is gone so much faster now. And life got super-busy right around the 7th of November. We had a mini-reunion with Daddy's family on the 7th followed by the chaos that IS getting ready for a two-week vacation in Alabama, including flying with two little ones. But you, my baby, are so important to me.
And so, since I know this at this point, let me brag to you a bit about how amazing you were on the airplane! Daddy and I were nervous. But you were great! You do surprise us, little man. And we got so many comments on how good both you and Lynnaea were from complete strangers. Plus everyone oohed and aahed over your adorableness. But who could blame them?
You have found your feet! You love to grab them during diaper changes, and I love it! I think it is the cutest thing. You also are sitting up like a champ! Still not 100% perfect at it, but you are doing really well and can usually sit up without falling for a good 20 minutes, while reaching for toys and playing and everything! You are also able to rock back and forth on your hands and knees, but you aren't really a fan of being in that position. You'll love it one day, though... Once you realize you can crawl :).
You are sleeping better at night now. You still don't put yourself back to sleep, but you go down easily and then you are getting to where you only wake up once. It's nice for both of us :).
You love your food! You have enjoyed sweet potatoes, squash, rice cereal, oatmeal cereal, peas, mixed veggies, applesauce, and even Spinach Fruit Crisp. Oh, and mashed potatoes the Southern way.... Okay, maybe I shouldn't have given those to you, but you loved them. And when you eat out in the South, you get very delicious mashed potatoes. There's just no getting around that :).
You have improved tremendously in your car seat in the car! Yay! It broke my heart for you to scream in the car. I'm so grateful it's not so bad for you anymore.
You love love love your big sister! Oh my goodness. She can make you laugh like no one else, and she doesn't even have to try! She just says something silly like "Super Grover to the rescue... doo-doo-doo-doo-do" and you start laughing. And I love it. It is so very cute, and I know you two will be close.
You are very interested in everything, and I am still told often about how alert you seem.
Oh Mr. Corbin-roo... You are such a sweet and precious addition to our family. I'm grateful for you. I'm sorry I don't get things done as quickly with you as I did with your sister (things like these blog posts). But I love you completely, and I'll do my best to give you everything you need.
All my love,
Beautiful Art (By a Beautiful Artist)
The other day, I was over visiting a sweet friend and helping her with a
few things on her computer. As we sat in her computer room, I happened to
9 years ago