Thursday, January 9, 2014

So Far Behind

It seems I can't really keep up these days!  And this blog has fallen behind.  Somewhat on purpose...  Somewhat not on purpose.  I manage to keep up with my gratitude blog, simply because I set a goal to do that daily.  But there are definitely days I don't even want to take the time to do that!  And not because I've had a crummy day and don't want to think of anything for which to be grateful (though, admittedly, I do have those days on occasion), but because my time just disappears, and I sometimes don't want to take the time to even do that! 

But I do it, because I set the goal and committed myself to it.  I did not, however, set such a goal for this blog.  And so it's a casualty.  Yikes.  Definitely don't intend it to be...  But it happens. 

Today, though, I put it on my "Today's Goals" list, and it's getting done!  Yay!  While Lynnaea is down for her nap.  And eventually, I'll post some (if not all) of my 2014 goals.  Because I did set them, and I like the accountability of posting them here.

But today, I just need to catch up on the goings-on for the past little while.

So the reason I put off updating this blog on purpose was because I didn't want to post all the pictures of all the little kiddos before my dad got his package.  Which took a while, because my mom ordered him a Panama chocolate bar (made in Switzerland, but using Panama chocolate, so still awesome!) and we had to wait for it to arrive.  I had included a framed picture of all the kiddos -- which arrived with broken glass.  So sad. 

So Brad, Angie, Autumn, and Vivienne (their newest addition who is only a month older than Lynnaea) drove up and stayed the night with us a few days before Christmas.  They were here to pick up Saria, Samuel, and Benjamin to take them to Utah for the week.  And since all of them were going to be here, we decided to invite Desiree and Emily to spend the night as well.  And yeah, it was utter chaos for a lot of the time.  But I'm so glad we did it.  I made dinner and sugar cookies and the kids cut out the sugar cookies and decorated them after dinner.  Then the kids watched Home Alone 2 and Garfield's Christmas before all going to sleep (and yeah, Aunt Hila had to lay down in the living room with them to ensure sleep came for the kiddos... but it came quickly.  They were tired).  Meanwhile, Brad, Angie, and Vivienne slept in Lynnaea's room and we set up the extra crib (yes, we have an extra through a series of events) in our room where Jeremy, Lynnaea, and I slept.  Sunday morning I cooked breakfast and we got an all-kids picture.  So sad we never got an "everyone" picture...  But maybe one day.  Hopefully sooner than later. 

Lynnaea was getting over her 2nd cold of the month (blech).  That one settled into her chest.  I felt bad, since I knew we were spreading the sickies...  But we forewarned Brad and Angie and they said they still wanted to come and stay here so they could see us.  Jeremy got sick that following week and was sick on Christmas.  Which meant we didn't go anywhere while he and Lynnaea got over their yuckies.  So our Christmas was quiet and at home.  And maybe in future years that won't seem so weird.  When our house is full of kids and that's the joy of it.  But this year was the first year we didn't go visit people, and for some reason, I felt weird.  I wanted to go see family.  My mom came over here for a bit, and Chuck and Lea stopped by with Xavier...  But otherwise, it was just us. 

Oh, funny story!  Lea got Lynnaea a dog that talks and such.  She opened it at Lea's the Monday before Christmas.  And she was not impressed.  She actually started crying.  Lea felt so bad and was like, "You don't have to take it home if it upsets her!"  I knew she'd get over it, though.  So we tried it later that afternoon while we were home, and then she started smiling at it.  And now she loves it.

We had a quiet New Year as well.  Jeremy and I stayed up...  Mostly because we watched Harry and Hendersons, and since it was about 11:15 when that was done and 11:30 by the time we were ready for bed...  We decided to stay up in case Lynnaea woke up crying from all the boom boom boom.  Thankfully there wasn't as much of that this year, it seemed.  And she slept right through.  Yay! 

And if you got one of our Christmas cards...  Well then you know why watching Harry and the Hendersons is so funny.  Jeremy had never seen it, so we borrowed my mom's copy.  It was almost like were watching relatives!  Hahahaha.

And now it's back to the normal routine.  Jeremy is working swing shift.  And I'm working on accomplishing my goals.  Lynnaea is growing up a lot.  She now gets on her knees and hands and rocks.  I know it's only a matter of time before she's crawling.  She's already mobile.  Mostly in the backward direction.  And she rolls over from back to tummy.  But hasn't quite grasped that she can also roll from tummy to back.  She is now eating those Gerber puffs and wagon wheels and these rice rusk things that dissolve.  And she loves her rice cereal still, plus she still loves her squash.  She is also eating sweet potatoes, apples, apples-bananas-and some other fruit, peas and carrots (not her favorite, but she eats them)...  She's a happy baby.  So sweet.  And I just adore her.  Oh!  And she is officially completely ticklish!  And I love to hear her laugh. 

So, things are good.  And now I'm going to post pictures :).  Enjoy!

Guess who liked the Christmas tree!  A lot!

She's sitting up very well all by herself now...  No more need for boppy support!  (But sometimes I still put it there...  Because the sound of her head on the floor is not nice...).
Grandma and her two youngest grand-babies

Decorating sugar cookies.

Saria is really growing up... 

All the kiddos except Vivienne, who was down for the night.

All the kiddos Sunday morning.

Lynnaea and Vivienne.  Vivienne is very mobile!

Emily, Desiree, and Lynnaea ready for church.  Emily is blowing her grandpa a kiss.

Sweet baby girl in her Christmas dress :).

And this is what she did with all her presents...

Her outfit from Lea and Chuck.

Me, Lynnaea, and Lea

Not too sure about this dog that talks...

A lady from church gave us this now that her kids have all outgrown it!  So awesome.  And one day Lynnaea is going to realize she can walk around and move with it...

Merry Christmas from the Hendersons...  Yeah.  Classic.  And some say it's arguably the best Christmas card (in the history of ever).  At least from our family...

Yep, another present to chew on... On Christmas morning.

She loves her rings from Juliebean.  Anytime we stack them up, she takes them apart before we can finish.
She got this strawberry hat from someone I used to work with at the funeral home.  So stinkin' adorable!

 And she got the cutest monkey quilt from her Aunt Michele!  It's so soft!

 Jeremy made me a can rotater!  I love this thing.  It's way exciting...  And now I'm stocking it up!

 I took Emily for her birthday frozen yogurt...  A month late, but hey...  She is such a pretty girl.  And there's my munchkin trying to figure out what's up.  Haha.  And then there's me. 
Lynnaea and I walked with Sue.  This was Lynnaea's first time riding on my back.  So much easier for me to walk this way (kiddo is heavy!).  But I don't like that I can't see her.
 And this was yesterday.  Happy on her tummy... 

And even happier on her knees!  If only she could realize the crawl ;).  Just kidding.  I'm in no rush to learn how un-baby-proofed our house is.  We've already experienced that silence that indicates the kid has gotten into something...  She found her way to the Christmas tree and was chewing on it.  Very contentedly.

And now you know :).

1 comment:

jessica said...

My goodness she has gotten so busy, so fast. I'm glad you take the time to blog. What a great family history! What a fun full house! You are one amazing aunt!!