Monday, February 24, 2014

9 Months

Dearest Lynnaea,

Today you are 9 months old.  You’ve now been “out” as long as you were “in.”  It is amazing to know how much you have developed since you first began…  And even more amazing to have seen that development in the last 9 months.  To have experienced it with you.

This past month has brought many new adventures to your ever-growing world.  For one thing, you saw snow!  And you tasted it, which was not impressive to you!  But you kept taste-testing, just to be sure.  You have learned how to open the Tupperware drawer in the kitchen.  You have learned how to get to the kitchen!  (And everywhere else in the house, I might add!).  Mommy now knows what other moms have meant when they say they don’t even get privacy in the bathroom!  Yes, you’ve even found your way in there when Mommy is in there. 

You love to be where the people are.  If Daddy and Mommy are in the kitchen…  It’s only a matter of seconds before we hear your little body wiggling and headed our way!  And then you hang out there with us until one of us leaves.  I’m not sure our kitchen is made for 3 people, but you don’t seem to mind the cramped quarters J. 

In addition to your awesome crawling abilities, you are also pulling up on everything.  The couch, your chest of drawers, the box full of 900 wipes, the computer chair, the dining room table chairs…  Pretty much everything is suitable to you.  And you are starting to move along those items as well.  Mommy is in no rush for you to walk, but I’m pretty sure you’re going to get there pretty soon.

Your newfound freedom has brought with it consequences you don’t quite enjoy.  You’re learning that we sometimes fall down (but you’re very good at getting back up and trying again!).  You’re learning that sometimes we bonk our heads… and that it hurts.  And you’re learning that there are some things you just aren’t allowed to touch (and doing so results in time out if you do it after we say no).  These items are the ones we feel are not safe, such as electrical cords and indoor plants (because we learned the hard way that you’ll eat these and we’ll have to find out if it’s poisonous or not!).  It’s true, we’ve had people raise eyebrows about the fact we have already started time out (5 minutes in your crib).  But you’ve learned.  You aren’t touching electrical cords anymore.  And when you head to the plant and we say “no,” you turn around and do something else.  And, for the record, we know you know what you’re doing…  Because when you start to reach for the trash can and we say “no,” you smile at us…  And sometimes you touch it anyway.  So you get time-out.  You are a smart baby girl.

Everyone still tells us how alert you are.  You’re also very interested in taking everything in before you decide to smile.  Like new faces.  You stare people down for a good 2 or 3 minutes before you are willing to give them a smile.  It’s pretty funny!

Another hilarious little quirk about you involves the stackable rings you got from Mommy’s best friend Julie…  I don’t know why, but you can’t stand for those rings to be stacked!  So Daddy and I use that to entice you over if we want you to come our way.  We stack the rings, and you jet over to take them apart!  And we can easily spend 5 or 10 minutes re-building and watching you take them apart.  It cracks us up.  You are quite the character.

And, most recently, and much to my joy, I think you’re starting to learn to snuggle on purpose!  When you start to get sleepy and I pick you up, you are starting to lay your head on my chest.  It only last for about 5 seconds, but I love it.  And night-time, when you sleep on me for five or ten minutes after your last bottle, is still my favorite time.  Not because I don’t enjoy being with you during the day and seeing you explore (and trying to keep up with you!).  But because I enjoy holding you so close.  I cherish those times.

I am grateful every day for you, my sweet baby girl.  I wish I had words to express the joy I feel as I watch you learn and grow.  The happiness that fills me as I hear you laugh.  And I am grateful every day that your daddy blesses me to be able to stay home with you.  I simply cannot imagine not being around for every adventure and every new experience.  This is my dream come true, and I am so thankful you came to me…  That you helped my dreams come true. 

I love you, Baby Girl, always.



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