Friday, April 11, 2008

Blog-Stalkers Not-So-Anonymous

Okay, so yesterday I decided while reading a blog by one of the people I blog-stalk, to make myself known to her. She was writing about blog etiquette as well as whether or not blogging is helping to make us colder relationship-wise. Anyway, I like her blog a lot, and it's one of the blogs I frequently view of people who I do not know in "real life." (Because I guess this is not real life?? I don't know -- that just fits). Anyway, so I left her a comment confessing to my blog-stalking and also offering my opinions on the blogging stuff. I checked back later and saw that Elka had also confessed to blog-stalking this same girl. This girl's blog is on my other cousin's blog roll. Anyway, so in the comment, Elka asks me a question. And when I saw that, I almost busted out laughing thinking, "Okay, so now Elka and I are having a conversation on someone else's blog!" So then I start thinking maybe I should write on the blog and apologize to my other cousin (the one who actually knows this girl) and tell her that I'm sure she's hanging her head in embarassment that she's the one who has brought the whackos out of the woodwork that are blog-stalking this poor girl. Because both Elka and I admitted that we were related to Mrs S. Poor Mrs. S... We are such an embarassment! So then Elka called me at lunchtime yesterday, and since I could see it was her number, I answered by saying, "Hello stalker." To which she promptly busted out laughing. When I told her that I thought about writing that apology to Mrs S, she laughed and said, "Yeah, Mrs S is the normal one who hides the rest of us weirdos." Anyway, that was so funny to me. I so wish I had the clip -- oh man, you can find everything on youtube... Go here. And play it to about 7 minutes and 40 seconds into the clip to the end (sorry, embedding is turned off). Anyway, so just do that mental voice in your head when I say that this is the "Blog-stalker speaking." Okay, that's only funny in my mind I guess. But still, watch the clip. That has to be the BEST thing ever... Coincidentally, I have a copy of it on DVD (only I transferred it from Betamax, so it has tracking lines and is not as high quality as the one on youtube). But, if any of you want a copy of that one and the Christmas one, let me know. Brad and Christina and Ben: you guys are already getting one :).

I gave my 3 booktalks in class last night. It went really well. I have a busy day ahead of me... Work until 11:30, then go by the bank, pay the electric bill, then go to Friday Forum. Then run to the grocery store since WinnDixie is having some good sales! Then drive to B'ham while stopping along the way to pick up a birthday surprise! And then it's off to tons of fun at a girlie night with April and Courtney -- not to mention some indecent exposure (not by us, I assure you) tomorrow :). I have a jam-packed weekend! I swear, sometimes in my life it's like feast or famine! This weekend is full feast of friendship and fun! I think I like the letter "f." I think you will find that to be the case on Monday as well :). You know, SCN (the Southern Command Network, which was the only English channel we got in Panama until we got cable tv) used to have a thing on every Friday afternoon where they would film all these people on the military bases and such, and everyone would call out, "Have a nice weekend!" Unfortunately I can't find that on youtube. Makes me want to screen all of my family's betamax tapes to see if we somehow might have taped it once... Goodness knows we have a lot of them, and we have a lot of stuff on them! But regardless, you can just picture me saying, "HAVE A NICE WEEKEND!"

Oh, P.S... I have to add this little addendum... I was blog-stalking the girl I mentioned above again. And Mrs S had left a comment in which she claimed me as her cousin. Then she left another comment referring to what I wrote. And then she left this comment:

"Holy cow. I didn't realize my sister commented too... This is kind of embarassing..."

And I literally laughed... The kind of laugh that would have resulted in juice coming out of my nose if I'd have been drinking any. I'll say it again... Sorry Mrs. S for being such an embarassment! We really do love you!


Katherine Ronachert said...

*sigh* that's me the walking embarassment to any and all members of my family! BUT at least they have something (or rather someone) to talk about! ;)!
Have fun with your girly night.
wish it was me!

Nilla said...

But please realize, Elka... She was only embarassed because we'd both come out of the woodwork :). If it had just been you, she wouldn't have been embarassed ;). I seriously laughed when I saw that though... Hey, you know, we do need to find a way to get together... I'm going to try to work some overtime to get extra mullah. Perhaps that could be used to go to a ticket... Hmmm.. Then it would be girlie night galore for Elka and Nilla!

Katherine Ronachert said...

especially if we can get rid of my boys!!!
oh and i am so not offended by being an embarassment (pardon my spelling!)

Nilla said...

I didn't think you were ;). But I thought I would point out that I, too, am an embarassment ;).

The Silverback said...

I'm so embarrased!


Just kidding!

Katherine Ronachert said...

oh, i was only clarifying for your readers who don't realize that i'm always sarcastic.